I Love It
Described as Europe’s best-kept secret”, Earth Garden is a laid-back 4-day music festival set against a chilled, natural backdrop. Be it young or the old, no one can deny that one is soothed and mellowed by the romantic music. We still have time to visit Cape Town and link up with the Guerrilla Speakerz crew in Amsterdam before heading home to finish off with his Swindle Live family: Terri Walker, Joel Culpepper, Jay Wilcox and his Dad, who plays guitar on the Outro.
Because the Boys love these challenges and it’s playing to them, making mistakes is not scary! Apple Music is a revolutionary streaming service and app that puts the entire Apple Music catalog at your fingertips across your favorite devices. Even though we tend to think this way since our music is influenced by foreign music.
An interesting diversion, not really what I would class as essential reading for musicians, but could open doors to the subject for those who love listening and would like to understand more about the fundamentals of this most fluid of art forms. With the onset of the Renaissance, the rules of music were about to change drastically.
The international music community has been very supportive of Euphonious Radio and the local listening community needs to start taking notice and begin supporting this great musical venture called Euphonious Radio. Just as Canadian pianist Glenn Gould had managed with Bach in the 50s and 60s, Munrow made old music sound bracingly modern and he won an audience not just with classical buffs, but rock fans, too.
Exposing your baby to a variety of music and, for example, nursery songs will keep him/her entertained and will help develop his/her own tastes in music later on. Studies show that these memories can last for up to fifteen months after birth and the baby will often show a preference for listening to that music.