Shepherd University
As many have discovered, MIT’s centers of excellence include the arts as well as the sciences and technology, and one great strength of the arts at MIT is the Institute’s Music program, which welcomes all enrolled MIT students — regardless of major — and includes a conservatory level track. Despite these questions, the technical analysis of musical style has reached a point at which a high degree of precision is possible, and the directions in which analysis has thus far moved seem clearly to be those that will be refined and more fully exploited in the future.
Those who wish to become music therapists must earn a bachelor’s degree or higher in music therapy from an American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) approved program and have at minimum the entry level credential, MT-BC to ethically practice as a music therapist.
Langer was accused of having somewhat weakened her argument through a vacillating terminology, and she described the musical symbol as unconsummated” because of its ambiguity But the validity of her theory did not depend upon the term symbol; her thought, indeed, had much in common with that of Edmund Gurney, who did not employ the term and whose ideal motion, if substituted for symbol, would remove most of her critics’ objections.
Emulating the habits of the British gentry, fashionable men and women on this side of the Atlantic used their leisure time to practice accomplishments” that they could share with other members of respectable society.” Most musical activity centered around concerts in the home, where genteel women sang and played guitar, for example, while men played violin and flute.
The most wonderful thing I believe music can bring to a person is when a person can sit down with their instrument and play (and/or sing) whatever feelings they would otherwise keep bottled up inside them – the kind of feelings you just wouldn’t be able to tell another person, the kind of feelings that only music can really bring comfort to.