The Ins And Outs Of The Music Industry
I’m a husband, daddy, musician, a regular guy, an advocate for children in poverty, an author, speaker/event host, an aggressive driver, an introvert, Texan by birth-Coloradoan by choice, a die-hard Dallas Cowboys fan and a follower of Jesus. This was so because apart from his royal responsibilities and calling, David had been raised and anointed of God for the office of the prophetic through music. Music has always been an integral part of my life, and I wish to combine both of my areas of study in my future career.
The internet has revolutionised the music industry, with technologies like streaming providing new ways to distribute and profit from music. Several of our offices host intimate, stripped-down sessions for our employees from artists across all styles of music and comedy.
Ian was Treasurer Music Australia where he created the successful music advocacy program Music. I also love anything I can get for free especially with the limited budgets I usually work with in music ministry. You can earn a living in music, doing what you love, by teaching music lessons.
And believe it or not, there is a large enough Indian population in the greater Atlanta area that there are many jobs available for eastern musicians as well. If you haven’t yet taken a music theory class, it would be wise to do so as soon as possible. I have been involved in various music groups in my school for 3 years, such as the advanced band, chorale, choir, and hand-bell choirs(if its called that).
My plan is to get my bachelors in music at a University in Arizona, but first I’m going to a community college for 1 or 2 years first to get any transferable credit classes that I can get. New avenues for consuming music, innovative products, new teaching methods, and expanding uses of music as a therapeutic tool all translate to new career options in a rapidly changing world of music.