Writing About Music

Music is sound that has been organized by using rhythm , melody or harmony If someone bangs saucepans while cooking , it makes noise. At establishments such as Niblo’s Garden and the Olympic Theatre in New York City, audiences were treated to a variety of acts that ranged from plays and operas to sentimental or satirical songs, comic dancing of hornpipes and jigs, and pantomimes and burlesques, often all on the same bill.

Containing detailed explanations of tempo and rhythm and printing words under notes, Urania helped to improve the quality of musical performance in the colonies by introducing variety into psalmody and inviting vocal training amongst a wide audience.

A work of music can have multiple composers, which often occurs in popular music when a band collaborates to write a song, or in musical theatre , when one person writes the melodies, a second person writes the lyrics, and a third person orchestrates the songs.

But the advent of Buddhism led to the development of music, both vocal and instrumental, partly to accompany the rituals, but even more to prepare those present for visualization and meditation Ritual drama (e.g. ʾcham) was also an important occasion of public music.

Music that makes heavy use of randomness and chance is called aleatoric music , and is associated with contemporary composers active in the 20th century, such as John Cage , Morton Feldman , and Witold Lutosławski A more commonly known example of chance-based music is the sound of wind chimes jingling in a breeze.